
Clef signs in TwinNote are still a work in progress…

Unlike the clef signs in traditional notation, clef signs in TwinNote do not alter the notes that are represented by the lines and spaces of the staff. (The lines and spaces of the TwinNote staff always represent the same notes regardless of the octave.) TwinNote’s clef signs simply indicate the octave register of the current staff.

It would be possible to use the traditional clef signs with TwinNote, as long as it was understood that they only represented different octave registers and did not affect the notes represented by the lines and spaces of the staff.

However, to avoid potential confusion, and since TwinNote’s staff most closely corresponds to the traditional treble clef staff… It seems better to always use the traditional treble clef, adding an octave-adjustment number to indicate a different octave register when necessary. This is illustrated in the following image:

Clefs in TwinNote music notation

This image shows the same “middle C” note as it appears in three different clefs in both TwinNote and traditional notation. The “-2” clef is equivalent to the traditional bass clef (F clef) and the “-1” clef is equivalent to the traditional alto clef (C clef).

While this approach preserves continuity with the traditional treble clef symbol (and builds on the existing octave clef convention), it might be easy to miss the “-2” or “-1” when reading quickly. Eventually it may make sense to introduce a new system of clef symbols for TwinNote, possibly based on the standard numbers for different octaves.

Next: Influences