

Subscribe to the Clairnote Newsletter to receive occasional news and updates about Clairnote by email.

Join the Clairnote Group (on Google Groups) to connect with others who are interested in Clairnote DN (and Clairnote SN). This is our public mailing list for discussing Clairnote DN, sharing experiences learning it and using it, getting help with creating sheet music, and anything else related to Clairnote DN.

Send us an email. It's always good to hear from people interested in Clairnote.

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Spread the Word

Help increase awareness of Clairnote DN, for example by:

  • Talking about it with people you know who might be interested.
  • Sharing links to the Clairnote website through email or social media.
  • Sharing links to Clairnote blog posts when they are published.

Create and Share Sheet Music

Help us make sheet music available in Clairnote DN. Maybe you are already creating Clairnote DN sheet music? (See Software: LilyPond.) Sharing sheet music is a great way we can help each other out and make it easier for others to enjoy using Clairnote DN.

Please contact us if you would like to help us expand the collection of sheet music that is freely available from the Clairnote website. Due to copyright laws, the sheet music must be in the public domain or licensed under a relevant Creative Commons license.

Some sources of sheet music files that can be converted into Clairnote DN include: